Products that destroy masculine strength

Male strength is a kind of health barometer for every man. This is mainly due to the fact that healthy desire depends on optimal testosterone levels, minimal stress and excellent functioning of the cardiovascular system. If at least one of these fails, male strength will suffer.

One of the common causes of problems with elasticity is certain foods.

Below is a list of five foods that you should avoid or, at best, minimize your intake.

1. Alcohol.

Rare alcohol consumption is acceptable, but drinking alcohol every day will have a bad effect on amorous life.

Alcohol is a depressant and can disrupt the connection between the brain and the body, which explains the cheeky behavior and "frankness" when we drink several glasses. Excessive doses of alcohol stop blood flow to the right organ, and as a result, there is not what both partners would like.

In addition, alcohol causes various dysfunctions and affects the formation of excess weight. An Indian study conducted in 2007 showed that lethargy at an important moment very often occurs in alcoholics, in 72% of cases due to various types of abnormalities.

2. Soda.

Artificially sweetened carbonated juices and drinks are also classified as very unhealthy foods. According to a study conducted in Poland, a high percentage of corn syrup with a high fructose content affects the appearance of various elasticity problems. In addition, such drinks provoke the formation of excess fat deposits, especially on the abdomen, and this also makes it difficult to maintain the desired shape of the main organ.

3. Fried food.

Eating excessive amounts of fried food usually leads to health problems. A plaque appears in the circulatory system, which prevents blood flow to the causal site. The more obese you are, the lower the testosterone level in the body, and the cardiovascular system also suffers greatly.

4. Popcorn in bags for heating in the microwave.

The inside of popcorn bags contains perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), which is associated with the development of testicular, liver and pancreatic cancers. There is a clear link between PFOA acid and intimate problems, so think twice about what to eat while watching a movie.

5. Soy.

Soy isoflavones affect the additional secretion of estrogen in the male body, and this, of course, is not very good when we talk about healthy male strength. A study conducted at Harvard in 2011 confirmed such data, stating that this plant-based food reduces testosterone levels. These results turned out to be accurate because they were tested on men from parts of the world where soy is one of the main food ingredients, particularly in Japan. На пляже в городе загорают проститутки и хотят секс в Севастополе не борделт и не салон, а реальную шлюху.
